Advanced pharmacology-I co _ po


After a successful completion of the course the students will be able to

Course outcome number Course Outcomes Cognitive level
CO1 Recall and list the key components and classifications of systemic pharmacology, including drug mechanisms and interactions C1
CO2 Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of autonomic pharmacology, explaining the functions and impact of drugs on the central nervous system and the autonomic nervous system. C2
CO3 Apply knowledge of central nervous system pharmacology to analyze and propose pharmacotherapeutic interventions for neurological disorders, considering drug actions and potential side effects. C3
CO4 Analyze cardiovascular pharmacology, evaluating the effects of drugs on the cardiovascular system and assessing their implications for the treatment of various cardiovascular conditions. C4
CO5 Evaluate the significance of autocoid pharmacology, assessing the role of autocoids in physiological processes and their potential therapeutic applications C5

Develop innovative approaches to address complex clinical scenarios in advanced pharmacology, integrating knowledge from systemic, autonomic, central nervous system, cardiovascular, and autocoid pharmacology to optimize patient care.




Remembering (C1), Understanding (C2), Applying (C3), Analyzing (C4), Evaluating (C5) and Creating (C6)