The Indian Red Cross Society (IRCS) is a voluntary humanitarian organization to protect human life and health based in India. It is part of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, and so shares the Fundamental Principles of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. The society’s mission is providing relief in times of disasters/emergencies and promoting health & care of vulnerable people and communities. Youth Red Cross Society of United Institute of Technology was stared in year 2010, at present more than 300 volunteers are actively involved in Social activities. Youth Red Cross helps the students to inculcate discipline in them and to understand their responsibilities towards their countrymen, especially the poor and downtrodden.


  •  To act in case of armed conflict and in peace to prepare to act in all the fields
    covered by the Geneva Conventions within the scope of International
    Humanitarian Law and on behalf of all war victims, both civilian and military.
  • To contribute to the improvement of health, the prevention of disease and
    maternity and child care in the community.
  •  To educate the population on how to prepare for and respond to disasters.
  • To organize emergency relief services for the victims of disasters and mitigation
    of their suffering.
  • To promote the participation of children and youth in the work of the Red Cross.
  • To promote the Fundamental Principles of the Movement and the International
    Humanitarian Law in order to inculcate humanitarian ideals among the
    population, and in particular among children and youth.
  • To recruit, train and develop volunteers/personnel as necessary for undertaking
    humanitarian responsibilities.
  • To serve the community within its jurisdiction, the state branch may initiate
    activities to address local needs and priorities as approved by the Managing
    Body of the branch.
  • To ensure correct use of the Red Cross emblem, to maintain its protective value.


  • Youth Red Cross Society of United Institute of Technology has conducted camp
    to identify the Deaf and Dumb children and the identified children are sent to
    Free Education up to their 12th standard.
  •  Youth Red Cross Society of United Institute of Technology also conducted
    Awareness Rally about “Rights for Vote”.
  • Blood Donation camp
  • AIDS Awareness Camp
  • Cancer Awareness Rally
  • Fire Safety Camp


1. Dr. V. SENTHIL, Chairman, 
J.K.K. Nattaraja College of Pharmacy,
B. Kumarapalayam.
2. Dr. V. KISHOR KUMAR, Programme Officer, 
Y.R.C. Programme Officer,
J.K.K. Nattaraja College of Pharmacy,
B. Kumarapalayam.
J.K.K. Nattaraja College of Pharmacy,
B. Kumarapalayam.
4. Mr. V. VENKATESWARAN, Member, 
Associate Professor,
J.K.K. Nattaraja College of Pharmacy,
B. Kumarapalayam.
5. Mr. B.IBRAHIM, Unit Student Chairman, 
III.B.Pharm Student (VI Sem),
J.K.K. Nattaraja College of Pharmacy,
B. Kumarapalayam.
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