After a successful completion of the course the students will be able to

Course outcome number Course Outcomes Cognitive level
CO1 Recall the fundamental principles of clinical pharmacy theory, including the processes involved in monitoring drug therapy, obtaining medication history, and interpreting laboratory results. C1
CO2 Describe the importance of obtaining comprehensive medication histories and providing patient counselling for effective pharmacotherapy. C2
CO3 Apply knowledge and skills to identify and resolve drug-related problems, ensuring safe and effective medication use. C3
CO4 Analyze selected laboratory results within the context of specific disease states to make informed decisions regarding medication regimens. C4
CO5 Evaluate the reliability and relevance of drug information sources to ensure evidence-based practice in clinical pharmacy. C5
CO6 Develop comprehensive and individualised medication plans based on the integration of medication chart reviews, medication history interviews, and interpretation of laboratory results. C6


Remembering (C1), Understanding (C2), Applying (C3), Analyzing (C4), Evaluating (C5) and Creating (C6) 





After a successful completion of the practicals the students will be able to


Course outcome number Course Outcomes Psychomotor Activity
CO1 Follow the pharmaceutical care activities, integrating theoretical knowledge and practical skills seamlessly into clinical practice, ensuring patient-centered care. P1
CO2 Carry out drug information queries with precision, mirroring the process and standards followed by experienced clinical pharmacists. P2
CO3 Complete patient medication counselling sessions adeptly, demonstrating proficient manipulation of communication techniques and patient education tools. P3
CO4 Apply knowledge of laboratory investigations to case studies, demonstrating precise interpretation and application of results in clinical decision-making. P4
CO5 Determine relevant information through skillful articulation during patient medication history interviews, ensuring comprehensive and accurate data gathering.  P5


Imitation (P1), Manipulation (P2), Precision (P3), Articulation (P4) and Naturalization (P5).