PHARM-III Year, Semester VI


After a successful completion of the course the students will be able to

Course outcome number Course Outcomes Cognitive level
CO1 Remembering: Recall and define the basic concepts in biopharmaceutics and pharmacokinetics. This involves remembering key terms, definitions, and fundamental concepts related to these fields. C1
CO2 Explain the selection of the correct pharmacokinetic model based on plasma level or urinary excretion data that best describes the process of drug absorption, distribution, metabolism, and elimination (ADME). This involves grasping the underlying principles and concepts behind different pharmacokinetic models. C2
CO3 Determine the effect of pharmacokinetic (ADME) parameters on the biological effects of the drug by applying a one-compartment open model. This involves using knowledge and concepts to solve practical problems related to drug pharmacokinetics. C2
CO4 Calculate various pharmacokinetic parameters from plasma and urinary excretion data by applying a multi-compartment model. This requires breaking down complex data and applying mathematical and analytical skills to derive pharmacokinetic parameters. C3
CO5 Design dosage regimens for patients based on calculated pharmacokinetic parameters. This involves synthesizing information and creating customized drug dosage plans tailored to specific patient needs. C4
CO6 Use plasma drug concentration-time data to calculate the pharmacokinetic parameters of a drug product by nonlinear pharmacokinetics. Additionally, calculate various pharmacokinetic parameters from plasma and urinary excretion data by applying non-compartmental pharmacokinetics. Finally, demonstrate the ability to design a basic protocol for the conduct of a bioavailability/bioequivalence (BA/BE) study and interpret the BA/BE data. This level involves critical thinking, assessment, and decision-making based on complex pharmacokinetic data and regulatory requirements. C5


Remembering (C1), Understanding (C2), Applying (C3), Analyzing (C4), Evaluating (C5) and Creating (C6)