

After a successful completion of the course the students will be able to


Course outcome number Course Outcomes Cognitive level
CO1 Identify the patient-specific parameters relevant in initiating drug therapy, and monitoring therapy (including alternatives, time-course of clinical and laboratory indices of therapeutic response and adverse effects)diseases. C1
CO2 Describe the pathophysiology and management of cardiovascular, respiratory, Ophthalmic and endocrine diseases. C2
CO3 Prepare  individualized therapeutic plans based on diagnosis. C3
CO4 Analyze the controversies in drug therapy of cardiovascular, respiratory, Ophthalmic and endocrine diseases. C4
CO5 Evaluate the available guidelines of Rational prescribing. C5
CO6 Develop clinical skills in the therapeutic management of these conditions. C6


Remembering (C1), Understanding (C2), Applying (C3), Analyzing (C4), Evaluating (C5) and Creating (C6) 




After a successful completion of the practicals the students will be able to


Course outcome number Course Outcomes
CO1 Follow the patient-specific parameters relevant in initiating drug therapy, and monitoring therapy (including alternatives, time-course of clinical and laboratory indices of therapeutic response and adverse effects)
CO2 Build the therapeutic approach to management of these diseases including reference/ source to the latest available evidence.

Demonstrate patient – centred care to diverse patients using the 

evidence-based medicine.

CO4 Develop communication skills through clinical activities.
CO5 Create a Patient specific Treatment Plan.


Imitation (P1), Manipulation (P2), Precision (P3), Articulation (P4) and Naturalization (P5).