After a successful completion of the course the students will be able to

Course outcome number Course Outcomes Cognitive level
CO1 Recall and list the key pharmacological mechanisms of action for commonly prescribed drugs in various therapeutic classes.Recall essential drug interactions, adverse effects, and contraindications associated with specific medications. C1
CO2 Describe the fundamental pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic principles underlying drug therapy.Explain the rationale behind the selection of specific drug regimens in the treatment of common diseases. C2
CO3 Apply pharmacotherapeutic principles to develop patient-specific drug therapy plans for various medical conditions.Apply evidence-based guidelines to make appropriate drug therapy recommendations. C3
CO4 Analyze patient case scenarios to identify potential drug-related problems and propose solutions.Analyze the scientific literature to critically evaluate the efficacy and safety of new drug therapies. C4
CO5 Evaluate the cost-effectiveness of different drug treatment options. Evaluate the therapeutic outcomes of patients on complex medication regimens, making appropriate adjustments as needed. C5
CO6 Develop comprehensive medication management plans for patients with multiple comorbidities.Develop strategies for optimizing medication adherence and patient education in diverse healthcare settings. C6


Remembering (C1), Understanding (C2), Applying (C3), Analyzing (C4), Evaluating (C5) and Creating (C6) 





After a successful completion of the practicals the students will be able to


Course outcome number Course Outcomes Psychomotor Activity
CO1 Follow proper protocols for patient assessment, including history-taking, physical examination, and reviewing relevant laboratory data to identify the patient’s medical condition accurately. P1
CO2 Carry out drug dosage calculations with precision, ensuring accurate medication preparation and administration, considering factors such as patient weight, age, and disease state. P2
CO3 Complete comprehensive medication reconciliations for patients with complex medication regimens, minimizing the risk of drug interactions and adverse effects. P3
CO4 Apply critical thinking and clinical reasoning skills to formulate evidence-based pharmacotherapeutic recommendations, considering patient-specific factors and current guidelines. P4
CO5 Determine the most suitable pharmacotherapeutic options for patients with multiple comorbidities, incorporating a holistic approach to patient care, including non-pharmacological interventions and patient education. P5


Imitation (P1), Manipulation (P2), Precision (P3), Articulation (P4) and Naturalization (P5).